About Us
At Sisabelo Saka
We teach children with visual impairment to read, write and communicate effectively.
We have a great range of subjects aimed at preparing our student for an inclusive world in which they can be contributing members.
We give our students the skills and confidence so that they can thrive in a visual world.
Sisabelo Saka is a Lozi word from Psalm 46:7 Sisabelo saka translates as my place of safety and security.
Trust us
A Brief History
Sisabelo Saka Inclusive School was founded by Mulambwa Manengu Gondwe on January 14 2019, after identifying a need for a primary school for blind and children with visual impairment in Lusaka.
It is a not Not for Profit school and is being run with the support of well wishers.
It initially started as Sisabelo Saka School for Blind children. The name was later changed to Sisabelo Saka Inclusive School in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 which strives to Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all by 2030.
Sisabelo Saka Inclusive School therefore hopes to open its doors to sighted learners in the near future.
Blind Children in Zambia
“Leaving no one behind”. This is a group of children in Zambia whose educational needs still go unmet and some are at risk of being left behind.
Sisabelo Saka
Meet the Team
Our wonderful staff involved to educating and caring for the children at Sisabelo Saka.

Team Leader

Team Leader

Founding Teacher

Founding Teacher



Music & ITC

Music & ITC